SAP e-mail can be transformed to support your communication strategy, reaching recipients inside and outside your organization, rich in graphical content and corporate branding.
In this blog I am going to share a few examples of how SAP-generated e-mails can provide a better user experience.
Payment Advice
Payment (or ‘Remittance’) Advice notes are typically sent to suppliers after a payment run to inform them of payments made and cleared invoices. The typical output process involves a SAPscript or a PDF form, which generates spool output for printing or added as an attachment to a plain e-mail.
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Order Confirmation
Sales Order Confirmation (or ‘acknowledgement’) output is typically sent to customers when a sales order is created or changed. The typical output process involves a mixture of EDI messaging and standard SAP PDF form output.
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Workflow Notification
Workflow Notifications are typically sent to employees to inform them to action tasks, or that requests have been actioned. In this case, the body of the e-mail contains the instruction or message. There are two scenarios:
- Multiple notification: A single e-mail contains a list of workflow items for an employee to action.
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- Single notification: The e-mail relates to a specific workflow task. In this example, more information from the workflow can be added into the e-mail, as it can be designed for a particular workflow / workflow task.
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E-mails can contain company logos, product images, barcodes and other graphical images. They can contain links to on-line content and social media. They work on any mobile device, and don't get stuck in firewalls.
Companies using 3rd party vendors for output document processing can make huge cost savings by generating rich e-mail content from SAP.
HTML e-mails are typically less than 10% of the size of equivalent e-mails with PDF attachments, so for organizations generating huge quantities of e-mail, there's a document management and performance saving.
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