I recently got a request from a customer who had the following problem. He sells one and the same inventory-managed material both in the EU as well as in the USA. Of course on a delivery note in the EU weight and volume should be in kg and l respectively whereas in the USA they should be in lb and gallons.
In the following I show a way how to achieve that:
1. Imagine the inventory unit of measure (UoM) of the product is EA (each). I first created two new trading UoMs in the fine-tuning activity 'Quantities and Units of Measure':
2. In the product master data I maintained the following:
a. Quantity conversion between base UoM EA and the two trading UoMs:
b. UoM characteristics for the two trading UoMs (for simplicity reasons I did not use the correct physical quantity conversion between kg and lb and between l and gal)
c. Different sales UoMs for the two different sales orgs
3. I now created two sales orders for the two different sales orgs and shipped the goods. Here it should not be relevant if the goods are shipped from the same site or from different sites - only the sales UoM is relevant.
4. After shipping the goods I got two outbound delivery notes, one in kg/l and one in lb/gallons.