George A. Miller, a Harvard professor and one of the founders of cognitive psychology, conducted research that has since become quite famous. In his research, he says that the average adult is able to store five to nine pieces, or “chunks,” of information within their working memory– also known as “The Magical Number Seven.” The reason this is important is that this “working memory” is temporary storage for information that is stored in a few seconds, and it is what allows us to focus, make decisions, etc.
So what does this have to do with recruiting…? Well, it has a lot to do with recruiting, quite frankly. Today, career sites are overly complex, focused on either pushing people through a process or trying too hard to be branded experiences. Now, this doesn’t mean these items are not important, but rather, misplaced. The most important aspect of a career site is content. Especially for anyone under the age of 35.
If you take a content-first approach and apply web design best practices, you will be more successful at creating a beautiful, effective career site than if you focus on process or brand first. Tommy Walker does a very good job of laying out this approach while speaking to the benefits (read the article here on Medium).
This is something we have seen among our customers over the years, and we have built a tool that is changing how companies create and manage career sites. We at SAP SuccessFactors call it Career Site Builder. This new utility brings an extensive set of tools to recruiters that they have never really had before. It is focused on helping companies create highly effective, easy to manage career sites. These sites can reduce implementation time by 90%, and ongoing maintenance is as simple as updating your LinkedIn profile or writing a blog post.
Josh Bersin recently released his Predictions for 2016 and the first prediction is about changing the way HR designs and delivers employee solutions. Ultimately, it is about creating user-centric solutions. What better place to start than at the beginning – with candidates, those individuals that may eventually become productive, engaged employees? By creating a positive, simple candidate experience, you can set the tone for the rest of the organization and the employee experience.
If you want to learn more about Career Site Builder, check out the 1602 Release Highlights