SAP Student Lifecycle Management Customer Connection update
Dear SLcM Customer Connection participants and followers. We would like to provide you with a status update and provide you an outlook on the planned activities.
At current our development team is working on implementing the scoped Improvement Requests.In order to provide you the opportunity to test and review the implemented improvements we would like to invite you to participate in a remote Customer Acceptance Test session.
After having finished this test/evaluation phase we will invite to the planned Delivery Call to roll out and share with you in one session the newly available improvements.
In regards to next steps:
- Customer Acceptance Test - time frame currently in preparation, considering Easter break and HERUG event – mid April- please Farah Gabriela Gonzalez or Rob Jonkers to understand details and inform if you would like to participate.
- Delivery Call – time frame End of April
Please look out for invitation for the Delivery Call webinar – this will also happen via a blog post on Customer Influence site, as well as through your local User Groups.
Please feel free to contact us for any questions.
More info on the SAP SLcM customer connection program:
Best regards
SAP SLcM Customer Connection team