This document describes how BRTOOLS works :-
Description of BR*Tools :-
BR BACKUP : Backs up data files, control files, and online redo log files of the database.
BR ARCHIVE :Backs up offline redo log files.
BR RESTORE :Restores data files, control files, and online and offline redo log files.
BR RECOVER : Recovers database files and restores profiles and log files.
BR CONNECT : Performs database administration tasks such as statistics update, check database system, adapt next extents,clean up logs and DBA tables.
Functions as a help tool to monitor the database during a backup
BR TOOLS : Displays the menus from which the other BR programs are called--
Functions as an internal help tool started by BRBACKUP, BRARCHIVE, and BRRESTORE.
BR GUI : Functions as a Java-based GUI, working as the front-end display program for BR*Tools.