Many months back when I IOS Version was 7 I had written a cross Platform Mobile application in C# for Order to Cash Process -
Order to Cash Mobile Application using Xamarin Forms & C# After that Apple came up with IOS 8, IOS 9 and now 9.2 - During this time due to changes to 64 bit most of theold libraries could not be used. I had in the mean time also written a blog on SAP App development using SWIFT for Plant Stock
Iphone App in Swift Xcode 6.3 for SAP Plant Stock - The old cross platform app was still working on Android and hence I wanted to write this app in swift so that uses with version of IOS can use this app - The back end logic and design is the same as descripted in my earlier blog - The UI was changed and
rewritten in SWIFT. The way I have invoked SAP from Swift is same as explained in my earlier blog ( mentioned above). The images below are the screen shots of the app.
The flow of Logic is as follows - Login - List of Sales Org - List of Distribution Channels - List of Division - List of Customers on the Customer Screen you can select a customer and choose Add(+) button to create a new Sales order. The left Icon on Customer screen gives list of orders - Select an order - order details -
on the order detail screen - When you enter delivery Qty and Create Delivery - From the Customer Screen you can choose to Create Billing Document and enter the Delivery document to create the Billing - This app should be on the app stores for free download on the app stores for users to try out like my other apps