"Business startups have been declining steadily in the U.S over the past 30 years. But the startup rate crossed a critical threshold in 2008, when the birth rate of new businesses dropped below the death rate for the first time since the metrics were first recorded." - Gallop based on US Census Bureau, Dynamic Statistics. There are several reasons attributed to this. I recently gave webinar on "Smart Finance Through Advanced Analytics" along with my colleague Dr Ying Wu, where we have discussed various reasons why business have failed, and how Advanced Analytics can help handle Company Finances Smartly. There are several aspect of how cash, flows in and out of the organization, and we have picked up one problem of Time to Invoice payments as our usecase. In this webinar we also briefly discuss concepts of Ensemble Modelling and Hierarchical (Segmented) Modelling. The webinar also discusses one of the potential ways by which one can predict the time that the customer will take to pay the outstanding invoices . The recording of the webinar can be found at SAP Predictive Analytics: Enabling Smart Finance Through Advanced Analytics - YouTube