Since its launch on Nov 2013, SAP MCF has been widely adopted by customers across the globe and continue to grow as a solution with several releases since then. So what is SAP MCF?. Simply put, SAP MCF lets the Utilities in a simple and cost effective way, to digitize their customer interactions through self-service digital channels like web, mobile and social. It does so by abstracting the complexity of the SAP Business Suite for Utilities into simple open standard Rest based APIs/OData services that can be easily consumed by consumer facing apps-on any channel, built using any technology.
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The following things should come to your mind when you think SAP MCF.
3 template apps that can be deployed for use by end consumers are delivered as part of MCF. A standard desktop web app, a responsive design app that dynamically renders itself to device form factor ( you could think of it as mobile optimized web page) and a native mobile app for Android and iOS. Technically,the apps are built with SAP UI5/HTML5. The interesting thing is that all the apps use the same MCF Rest based APIs/OData services, hence no more costly app-per-app integration required and what's even better is that the customer gets to see same data irrespective of the app he/she is using.
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55+ per-integrated Self services scenarios
Working with our customers, we have identified the most important self services scenarios and delivered them as part of the standard solution. A scenario is delivered as a single or a combination of Rest based API/OData services that are fully integrated to the SAP Business Suite for Utilities. The scenarios range from simple ones like view bills, change personal data to more advanced like view smart meter consumption, signing up for a new product and submitting a meter reading anonymously. So lots of content that can be used out-of-the-box, have a look below.
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Click on the picture to enlarge
While SAP MCF is an out of the box solution offering ready to use self-services scenarios and apps, it is very much also a high productivity platform that makes it easy to enhance the standard or develop new scenarios. It is powered by SAP Gateway and SAP Mobile Platform that enable enterprise grade security, scalability and enhanceability. SAP Gateway where OData services are build and consumed, is further complemented with a framework to make it easy to enhance or add to the Utilities OData services. The MCF mobile app runs on SAP Mobile Platform which in addition to providing a mobile infrastructure, also contains various tools to enhance existing or create new mobile apps.
No Upgrade required
SAP MCF is delivered as a set of 3 non-modifying add-ons, one each to be deployed on ISU, CRM and Gateway respectively.As long as min release level requirements- ISU 6.04 and/or CRM 7.0 are met, its a simple add-on installation without any need for upgrade.This means that you can go up and running with MCF with minimum disruption to your existing running business systems. Also to be noted that CRM is optional and MCF can also be deployed with ISU only installations.
If all the above is still not enough , MCF comes with more features like own user management, channel analytic, 360 customer view, push notifications, co-browsing for agent and customer.
Keep exploring the MCF page for more interesting information. I look forward to your comments.