Everyone knows SAP HANA Cloud Platform has provided many services e.g. - Mobile service , Document service. Every one has HCP trial account but most of us not explore every service or features of HCP Platform. I was exploring something on SCN and found HCP IOT service then i started exploring it thanks to Rui Nogueira he had posted awesome blogs on HCP IOT.
After reading blogs and help.sap documents i decided to create demo app but issue was i didn't have RaspberryPi device . I was thinking can we use existing elements for HCP IOT service . I got idea to control Keyboard Led and Laptop using HCP IOT and UI5 App so i've created this simple demo.
Initial phase my design was -
Used 3 components -
1) Python program - Raspberrypi.py
2) HCP Iot service configuration
3) UI5 app for mobile
Final Execution - Watch this video
I'll update source code in my github and more information for implementation this simple HCP Iot demo in my blog series.
If anyone doesn't know about -
HCP Iot - https://help.hana.ondemand.com/iot/frameset.htm?4ab3521d055f41e9bce8837d4abbc09d.html
Raspbeery Pi you can find here https://www.raspberrypi.org/
Internet of things - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_of_Things
In my next blog will show you more realistic demo on HCP IOT with Raspberry pi
Thanks for reading my blog