Hi everyone,
I just wanted to share some info on the SAP CodeJam on SAP HANA Cloud Platform which was held on 2016-01-08 at the University of Economics in Wroclaw, Poland. With that it was the first SAP CodeJam on SAP HANA Cloud Platform in 2016!
The event was announced as usual on Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sap-codejam-wroclaw-registration-19830208688 and all seats were taken within 48 hours. Nice drag on SAP HANA Cloud Platform in the Wroclaw area! The participants were in part engineers mainly from the SAP user group in the area and in part students from the SAP university group there. The SAP HANA Cloud Platform experts were my colleague Vladimir Pavlov and me.
During the event we started with an introduction to the SAP HANA Cloud Platform which you can find on SlideShare. Afterwards we focused on getting the participants started with the platform, for that you can find everything on the website. Nearing lunch we shifted to some more advanced examples from the documentation and SDK and finished the day of with examples on IoT and Gamification. If you want your own event just shoot an email to sapcodejam@sap.com.
Here some photos:
More photos can be found at the KNSAPer Facebook page photo album https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1014443841927875.1073741838.179495288756072&type=3.
Thanks to the participants for the hard work during the event!
All the best,